Due: June 17, 2022

Presentation materials submission instructions:.
    What to submit:
  • 1-minute video of your pre-recorded presentation (mp4 format, up to 25 MB)
  • 1 page poster presentation slide (pdf, up to 25MB).
  • We strongly encourage you to include a video of you speaking, overlaid on your poster slide in your presentation recording.
    How to submit:
  • use the following naming convention: paper_{HOTCRP_ID}.mp4 and paper_{HOTCRP_ID}.pdf
  • use the following Onedrive file request to upload the files: https://mines0-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/dongchen_mines_edu/Em9pxiz15DVGimj2sd9KK3wBaR0J8RL891ze7LX0BPRaYA?e=1LQgrp
  • Thank you and good luck working on your poster slides and recording your presentations!
Welcome to the The Thirteenth ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy'22 Posters) submissions site. For general conference information, see https://energy.acm.org/conferences/eenergy/2022/index.php.


The deadline for registering submissions has passed.